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Kris Faraldo

Kris Faraldo manages (and writes for) and is the creator of Easy-Peasy Sales Pages and Get Testimonials Fast. She also manages the Karma Store, where you can find 12 classic IttyBiz products available on a pay-what-you-want price.

What to Do In The Meantime: 15 Business Tasks Worth Doing Now

What To Do In The MeantimeSometimes the business world as we know it grinds to a halt, because something BIG is going on that capture’s the lion’s share of people’s attention.

When this happens, engaging in business-as-usual isn’t an easy thing to do – what, are you going to launch a new course with fanfare when everyone’s reeling from That Thing That Just Happened?

No, you’re not.

You’re in “the meantime” – that stretch of space where the streaming TV series we call life is on pause.

So, rather than sit on your thumbs waiting for things to go back to normal (ha!), here are a ton of worthwhile (and potentially profitable) activities you can engage in that can make a meaningful impact on your business right now.

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Black Friday Ideas For Service Providers Who Can’t Deep Discount

Black Friday Ideas For Service Providers Who Can’t Deep DiscountService providers (freelancers, coaches, consultants, physical services, etc.) often have trouble setting up Black Friday promotions because their services may not lend themselves particularly well to traditional discounting.

This can be because of margin (you literally can’t cut your rate by a compelling amount), or because there might be branding implications (you charge $250 an hour, and cutting it to $150 feels like it will cheapen your branding).

Or, it can simply be because you haven’t seen enough examples of how to do it.

So in this post, I’ll walk you through a few examples of different kinds of Black Friday promotions that work well specifically for service providers of any stripe.

Read them through, and see which one(s!) might be a good fit for your Black Friday promotion – or any promotion you run throughout the year.

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12 Short & Sweet Sales Page Headlines You Can Steal In Time For Black Friday

12 Short & Sweet Sales Page Headlines You Can StealSales page headlines are often one of the toughest parts of copywriting, and a lot of people get stuck figuring out what to say. (And, of course, how to say it.)

This is especially true now as trends have been moving towards shorter headlines for sales pages and landing pages alike. Gone are the days where you have a long, wordy headline that tries to pack everything in – now we’re keeping it (relatively) tight, if only for mobile readers.

If you’re gearing up for a Black Friday promotion, then you may want to revisit your sales pages (on a phone even!) to see if your headlines could use some trimming – or simply some added punch.

To help you along your way, I’ve taken the liberty of explaining 12 high-performing headline formulas below – and they’re based on the products in the pay-what-you-want Karma Store, so they’re not theoretical. (In fact, I’m planning on replacing a number of my current headlines with the ones below.)

Take a look at them now and see if there’s one that’s a perfect fit for you and your audience.

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The Quick & Dirty Guide To Running A Black Friday Promotion

The Quick & Dirty Guide To Running A Black Friday PromotionBlack Friday is on its way, and a lot of money is going to change hands over the week or so surrounding it. If you’re planning to do your own Black Friday offer, you may already be busy getting All The Things ready and organized.

But let’s be honest – not everyone’s a Virgo.

Plenty of people are still scratching their heads trying to figure out what they’re going to do for Black Friday, and there’s still time to do something profitable if you get moving on the sooner side.

If you’re one of those head-scratchers right now, then I’ve got some advice for you. Here’s how to quickly decide on a Black Friday promotion that can provide a welcome cash boost before the holidays.

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How I Write Sales Pages – The Pivot Class

How I Write Sales Pages - The Pivot ClassRecently, I was asked to create a sales page for both Naomi and her colleague Clare Holiday (from Indie Retail Academy) for a brand-new offer called The Pivot Class.

So since it’s fresh in my mind, in today’s post I’ll walk you through a few things I did on the page and teach you how to do them, too.

The page has just gone live, so the class is open for registration. You should check it out, if only for the stunning design.

(I can’t take credit for that, though. I just wrote the copy. Clare did the design and illustrations.)

So, here’s a walkthrough of some of the more interesting elements.

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