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Month: May 2015

Business Burnout: How To Get Your Energy Back

Business Burnout

Today, I completely ran out of things to say.

I wrote the introductions for my next seven newsletters.

I found quotes for the next month.

I wrote 53 emails, planned a trip, and took two sales calls.

And I called my mother.

I should note here that I’m writing this on a Saturday.

I’m sure it comes as a surprise to nobody, but at some point in this process, I completely ran out of things to say.

And poor you! You are sitting there, breathlessly waiting for your next instalment of the IttyBiz newsletter and I am dry. I got nothing.


It’s weird when this happens. You’re on this crazy roll, getting an absolutely stupid amount of stuff done, and you’re getting accustomed to the momentum. It’s like shopping in a crazy busy mall. You get into a flow of bam! bam! bam! Dodge, charge, pivot, go, turn, and then…

Silence. Motionlessness.

It’s like all of a sudden the people are gone and the stores are shut and you’re not entirely sure what you’re supposed to do now.

Here’s what you are supposed to do now…

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Unconventional Conference Advice: 7 Things Nobody Tells You

Conference Advice

Every time a highly publicized conference comes up, we are all treated to an unending deluge of articles full of conference tips. This is my contribution to your deluge. You’re welcome.

See, here’s the thing. If you read these articles in any level of detail, you get the impressions that the only things anyone cares about are shoes and business cards.

Call me an idealist, but I like to think there is more to life than shoes and business cards. So here is my (slightly unconventional) take…

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Are You Linking To Your Products Enough? (Here’s How To Do It)

Linking to products
You know you should be linking to products and services more. You’ve got that blog, sitting right there, collecting dust. You’ve got that newsletter, hanging out, waiting to make you some money. And yet you’re not really sure how to do it.

Guru A does it one way, Guru B does it the other way, and your friends give you conflicting advice.

“If you do it like this, nobody will even notice it!”

“If you do it like that, you’ll look desperate!”

“Stop linking so much – you look like a car salesman!”

“You have to link more – you’re too shy!”

How about we make it nice and easy for you?

There are three basic ways to link to your products…

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