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Month: January 2023

Mailbag Monday: “But I Don’t Have a Fancy Offer!”

Mailbag Monday: "But I don't have a fancy offer!"Hi Naomi,

Thank you so much for doing this! Here’s my question.

Someone I know has recommended I start pitching podcasts as part of my reach-building efforts. I know it would be good for my business as I’m good at speaking and have a lot of radio experience in my past life. But the truth is that I’m scared and I’m embarrassed.

My business platform is ok – it’s somewhere between 1.0 and 2.0 in your terms. I know I can speak and help and be useful, but I don’t have anything to offer. I don’t have an exciting freebie or download or signature program. It’s just me, and I feel foolish going onto these things without anything to promote. I feel naked.

The logical thing to do would be to put podcasts and things on hold until I get something sorted out. But I don’t know what I would sort out! I’m intimidated by the technology. I don’t know if I’m ready to hire designers and things. I don’t even know if I want to make one of these things.

What should I do? Should I wait? Should I make something anyway even if it’s not very good? Should I send people to my (very neglected, very small) newsletter? Tell me, wise Naomi, what I should do.

Naked in Nan Francisco

Dear Naked,

Please know that right now, people all over the world are jealous of your name.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’ll address your question.

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Naomi Explains… Objection Reversal

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Naomi Explains... Objection ReversalWelcome back to Naomi Explains Marketing, the show where I help coaches, consultants, experts, authors, and other associated nerds, geeks and misfits sell the contents of their brains for cash money. I am your host, Naomi, and today we’re tackling the third in our “three ways to make it easier for your prospects to take action” series – we’re talking about objection reversal. If you haven’t heard them already, also check out the previous two episodes, on scarcity and urgency. Ok? Ok.

Just click play, and I’ll meet you there.

(Click “Continue Reading” for full transcript & shownotes.)

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