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Newbie Week

Newbie Week: What do I need to get started?

What do I need to get started?Hey folks! Welcome back to Short and Sweet Newbie Week!

If you’re just joining us, so far we’ve tackled: how big your list needs to be before the money starts happening, and whether you really need to be on social media, and how much time it takes to actually run a business., and how much this will all cost.  If you haven’t seen those, click those links to catch up.

Now, onto today’s question!

Today’s question is “what do I need to get started?” As in, what is the absolute minimum I need to get this goddamn thing online and launched already?

Ahh, bliss. My favorite question of all.

In the hallowed words of the great Cuban sage Pitbull, “Let’s not talk about it, let’s do it!”

As is true with many things, you probably don’t need as much as you think to get started. Wanna know what it’s gonna take?

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Newbie Week: How much does it cost to start a business?

How much does it cost to start a business?Hey folks! Welcome back to Short and Sweet Newbie Week!

So far, we’ve covered: how big your list needs to be before the money starts happening, whether you really need to be on social media, and how much time it takes to actually run a business. If you haven’t seen those, click those pretty little links to catch up.

Now, on to today’s question.

(Semi-related aside: You’ve still got a couple days to get $100 off Zero to Hero. And a kind person asked for payment plans, which are now available. You can sign up here.)

Today’s question: How much does it cost to start a business?

Well, now. We’re officially moving into contentious territory. This is a very brave question of you to ask, and a very foolish question of me to answer.

Let’s do this.

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Newbie Week: How much time does running a business actually take?

How much time does running a business actually take?Welcome back to Short and Sweet Newbie Week. It’s Wednesday, and do you know what that means?

It means we answer Wednesday’s question!

Monday’s question was “how big does my list need to be?” and Tuesday’s was “do I need to be on social media?

But now it’s a whole new day with a whole new question, which is…

  • How much time does it take to build a business? Like, how many hours in a day?

This is a wise question and entrepreneurial culture is pretty divided.

In one corner…

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Newbie Week: Do you HAVE to be on social media?

Do I HAVE to be on social media?Hey folks! Welcome back to Short and Sweet Newbie Week!

Yesterday, we tackled how big your list needs to be before things start getting good. If you haven’t seen that, you can check out my answer with that pretty little link right there.

Today’s question:

Do you have to be on social media to build your business?

Now! Isn’t THAT a great question to be asking so early in the journey! (How many of us wish we’d asked this earlier?)

Given that my last public stance on social media was “I hate it with the fire of 10,000 suns”, you might be surprised by my answer. 😉

As we did yesterday, I’ll give the short answer, and then the details.

Here we go…

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Newbie Week: How big does my list have to be before I start making money?

How big does my list have to be before I start making money?Hey folks! Welcome to Short and Sweet Newbie Week, where I’m answering a bunch of questions from business beginners! My goal is to answer each question in less than 1000 words. This is profoundly difficult for me, but I like a challenge.

Our first question:

How big does my list have to be — before I start making money?

Great question. There are a lot of VERY big numbers getting thrown around in this industry, and it’s hard to find information for beginners. Like, “yeah, I’m so happy that you bought a yacht with your launch proceeds, but my blog has precisely three posts on it, and I wrote them four years ago, so how does that help ME?”

I’ll see what I can do. :)

I’ll give you the short answer, and then I’ll give you the details…

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