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Month: June 2020

How To Boost Conversion By Teaching On Your Sales Page

How To Boost Conversion By Teaching On Your Sales PageGood sales pages do an effective job of keeping reader attention, building interest in what your product can do for them, and sparking desire to own it.

Great sales pages also educate the customer and make them more likely to buy.

If you’re not educating on your sales pages, you’re going to lose buyers that need that education to feel safe and comfortable enough to make a buying decision.

You don’t want to lose those buyers – so today we’re going to look at how to incorporate teaching into your sales copy.

We’ll start by looking at what happens when a fresh new visitor arrives on your page.

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How To Reverse Objections In Your Copy (Without Sounding Defensive)

Reversing Objections Without Sounding DefensiveIf you’ve even flirted with the study of copywriting, you’ll already know about “reversing objections” – the fine art of making the buyer feel better about things that make them resistant to purchasing your product.

It’s a pretty straightforward process that leads to higher sales, and it works like this:

  • Think of a potential objection / concern
  • Think of how you can relieve that concern
  • Mention it in your copy before the reader thinks of it

When you do this, the reader’s concern is relieved before they even think of it, which is a powerful event.

But you have to do it in a way that doesn’t sound defensive, or you’ll turn your readers off.

Here’s how you pull that off in your sales page copy.

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The Ethical Way To Handle Pain Points In Your Sales Copy

Pain Points In Copywriting: The Ethical ApproachPain points are a big deal in copywriting, and for good reason: People will do more to avoid pain than they will to gain a positive benefit in their life.

It’s one of the core reasons we procrastinate as well.

The pain of starting on a task (or facing it) can easily outweigh any and all benefits we might receive by Doing The Thing. So we move away from that pain, even though the greater cost is one we’ll regret later.

Pain points, then, are used in marketing to leverage that quirk of human psychology.

If you can make the potential customer experience enough pain about their current situation (or fear of loss in the future), it’s a lot easier to encourage them to take action and buy your product.

Most human beings don’t like causing other people pain.

This presents a bit of a challenge for you, as a marketer.

You don’t want to cause people pain. And you certainly don’t want to take your knowledge of pain points and engineer it to cause the maximum amount of pain just to make sales.

And yet… your product solves a problem that causes people legitimate pain or unhappiness. And you want them to know that their pain can be helped by your product.

So what are you supposed to do, while still keeping your integrity?

You have options.

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7 Reasons People Refund (And What To Do About Them)

Why People RefundOver the last 13 years, IttyBiz has averaged a 3% refund rate in an industry that averages 20-30%.

A big part of how we accomplish that is with the way we write our copy.

So that’s what we’re going to cover today – why people refund in the first place, how you can write your copy in ways that reduce the chance that they’ll refund, and how to treat people who do decide they want their money back.

This has been our approach so far, and it’s been working wonderfully.

Ready to learn? (I hope you are – otherwise, aren’t I going to feel stupid.)

Let’s do this.

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How To Guarantee Your Sales Page Looks Attractive Enough

How To Guarantee Your Sales Page Looks Attractive EnoughSales pages – for the most part – need some kind of imagery or graphics in order to convert at their best.

But as we discussed yesterday, images aren’t necessary for conversion.

Other than a picture of the product, and perhaps a picture of the seller, they are not a requirement when it comes to getting readers to say “yes” to a purchase.

They are a requirement for getting higher conversion, but they don’t make-or-break the core ability of your well-written copy to sell your product.

The more you internalize that, the more money you’ll make.

Let’s talk about why.

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