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Sales Pages

Yes-Oriented Questions: An Easy Way To Increase Sales

Yes-Oriented QuestionsNo matter how good your sales page is, at the end of the day your readers will not click the “buy” button until you have made them comfortable enough to purchase from you.

That comfort comes from a combination of building “deep trust”, showing you understand where they’re coming from, and demonstrating how the benefits of your product or service match up with all the things they care about.

That can take time – and that’s why some sales pages are so long. There’s a lot of trust building, and connection, and educating the reader that has to occur.

One of the ways you can make that happen faster and more easily is to ask “yes-oriented questions” – simple questions that your readers can easily say “yes” to.

Want to learn how to do it?

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12 Short & Sweet Sales Page Headlines You Can Steal In Time For Black Friday

12 Short & Sweet Sales Page Headlines You Can StealSales page headlines are often one of the toughest parts of copywriting, and a lot of people get stuck figuring out what to say. (And, of course, how to say it.)

This is especially true now as trends have been moving towards shorter headlines for sales pages and landing pages alike. Gone are the days where you have a long, wordy headline that tries to pack everything in – now we’re keeping it (relatively) tight, if only for mobile readers.

If you’re gearing up for a Black Friday promotion, then you may want to revisit your sales pages (on a phone even!) to see if your headlines could use some trimming – or simply some added punch.

To help you along your way, I’ve taken the liberty of explaining 12 high-performing headline formulas below – and they’re based on the products in the pay-what-you-want Karma Store, so they’re not theoretical. (In fact, I’m planning on replacing a number of my current headlines with the ones below.)

Take a look at them now and see if there’s one that’s a perfect fit for you and your audience.

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How I Write Sales Pages – The Pivot Class

How I Write Sales Pages - The Pivot ClassRecently, I was asked to create a sales page for both Naomi and her colleague Clare Holiday (from Indie Retail Academy) for a brand-new offer called The Pivot Class.

So since it’s fresh in my mind, in today’s post I’ll walk you through a few things I did on the page and teach you how to do them, too.

The page has just gone live, so the class is open for registration. You should check it out, if only for the stunning design.

(I can’t take credit for that, though. I just wrote the copy. Clare did the design and illustrations.)

So, here’s a walkthrough of some of the more interesting elements.

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7 Ways To Boost Sales Page Conversion In An Hour

7 Ways To Boost Sales Page Conversion In An HourSales pages may take a while to create, but they don’t take that long to improve. You’d be surprised at how many upgrades you can build into your page in just 15, 30 or 60 minutes – and each one of those changes can lead to more sales for you.

The key to upgrading your page is your approach – either do a batch of things at once, or just do one small upgrade every once in a while. That keeps things manageable, and keeps your sales pages improving month after month.

If you’re already an owner of Easy-Peasy Sales Pages, you’ll know about all the little things you can do to make your existing page better.

But for those who don’t – or just don’t want to reopen the course at the moment – I’ve hand-picked 7 easy, do-able improvements that you can do quickly and easily.

Take a look and see which ones you might want to use to boost the conversion rate of your existing sales pages this month.

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How To Boost Conversion By Teaching On Your Sales Page

How To Boost Conversion By Teaching On Your Sales PageGood sales pages do an effective job of keeping reader attention, building interest in what your product can do for them, and sparking desire to own it.

Great sales pages also educate the customer and make them more likely to buy.

If you’re not educating on your sales pages, you’re going to lose buyers that need that education to feel safe and comfortable enough to make a buying decision.

You don’t want to lose those buyers – so today we’re going to look at how to incorporate teaching into your sales copy.

We’ll start by looking at what happens when a fresh new visitor arrives on your page.

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