Good sales pages do an effective job of keeping reader attention, building interest in what your product can do for them, and sparking desire to own it.
Great sales pages also educate the customer and make them more likely to buy.
If you’re not educating on your sales pages, you’re going to lose buyers that need that education to feel safe and comfortable enough to make a buying decision.
You don’t want to lose those buyers – so today we’re going to look at how to incorporate teaching into your sales copy.
We’ll start by looking at what happens when a fresh new visitor arrives on your page.
Your reader knows you’re trying to sell them something
Even before your reader arrives on your sales page, they know that you’re trying to sell them something.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, and it doesn’t have to create a problem – but it often does, because people often write copy that is so strongly geared towards “selling” that it puts the reader off.
It’s the same experience as walking into a clothing store and getting hounded by a retail employee.
The one who hovers around you and constantly asks “Is there anything I can help you with?” when you’ve told them three times that YOU ARE JUST LOOKING RIGHT NOW.
You know how much of a relief it is to be in a store and know that the employee is available for you if you need them, but is keeping their distance to allow you space to make up your own mind.
That’s the experience we want to create on your sales page. Available, friendly, but not hounding you for the sale.
When you teach on your sales page, you give the reader space to think.
One of the most important things you can do on your sales page is to give the reader the opportunity to absorb information and come to their own conclusion.
As a seller, your job is to thoughtfully select the information that will be most useful for them to come to a buying decision.
They can read and think for themselves, and if you pick information that will be relevant to them and the things they care about, they’ll decide on their own that they want the product.
And readers who come to their own conclusion feel a lot more confident in deciding to buy, and being satisfied with their purchase.
How to teach on a sales page
When you’re writing your sales page, you write it in such a way that it presents a solution to a problem, and then demonstrates that your product matches up with that solution.
This is a 180-degree swing from many sales pages that make the product the focus of the page. The focus should always be on the results or outcomes the reader wants.
If you’re teaching in your copy, you consider the outcomes that your readers care about, and you educate them on how to achieve those outcomes in concept.
Here’s an example:
On the sales page for Easy-Peasy Sales Pages, I know my readers want to know how to make a sales page that converts well. (The “easy” is the icing on the cake.)
So if you look at what I do on the sales page, you’ll see that I spend a good deal of time educating the reader on a specific formula for conversion – the AIDA copywriting formula.
I walk them through the details of the process, and as I do so they “get it” – they know more about how this specific copywriting formula can lead to successful conversion.
Then, I present my product – which I’ve only hinted at throughout this educational journey – which just happens to incorporate a full template and advice on how to put the AIDA formula into practice.
Teaching relaxes the reader before any “selling” takes place
In a more direct sales page, the selling part happens first, and it’s like having that retail employee make a beeline for you once you walk in the door.
It’s jarring, and all the alarm bells in your head go off saying, “Stop trying to sell me something! I know what you’re doing!”
By delaying the intentional selling part, you keep the reader relaxed and feeling safe reading your copy.
And since you want them to read as much of your copy as they can, this relaxing effect is critical. You don’t want them rushing out of the store, as it were, just because they don’t have space to think.
Teaching gives the reader a chance to value the benefits
Your readers will convert into customers when they fully internalize how much benefit they will get out of your product.
But when they first arrive on your sales page, they probably don’t. They may have a general idea, but they don’t necessarily know what’s possible.
When you take a teaching angle, you can help them get a sense of the benefits they’ll receive in a more tangible way.
As you describe the concepts that relate to your product, they see how it all comes together.
In the sales copy for Easy-Peasy Sales Pages, I walk the reader through how the AIDA process works and show them my custom-built template as a teaching tool.
This helps them see how the AIDA process keeps their reader on the page, gets them interested in the product, and creates incentive to buy.
Ultimately, the reader starts thinking, “If I used this process, then I could make a lot of these things happen for myself.”
They value the benefits they’ll receive more, because they can see the big picture – and they know more about how the details work.
They shift from “copywriting is useful” to “these specific copywriting approaches could keep attention, stoke desire, and encourage people to buy.”
The teaching, in this case, is like a test drive of a car. They get in the drivers seat, and it all becomes more real to them.
Teaching gives the reader a chance to build trust
When you teach and educate on your sales page, you also build trust in the reader – trust that leads to higher conversion.
If you’re selling an information-based product, the teaching you provide gives the reader a chance to get a sense of your teaching style and your level of expertise.
That’s why I explained my entire template in detail for Easy-Peasy Sales Pages – it helps the reader come to the conclusion that the product is probably going to be good, since the free information is good.
If you’re selling a physical product, then the teaching shows the reader your expertise, which is great in itself. Sometimes you can even educate them on benefits they didn’t even know they could get with a product like yours.
But it also demonstrates that you’re willing to spend time and effort on educating them, which builds trust in the quality of your product and customer support.
The reader feels more valued, and more likely to buy because of that.
Teaching on your sales page leads to increased buyer comfort.
By the time the reader reaches the end of your sales page, you want them feeling as safe and comfortable as possible – not only about their purchase, but about you as a seller.
When you teach on your sales page, and keep the “selling” to the background, you create that safe and comfortable environment for them.
And then when they reach the “buy” button, they’ll want to make a purchase because THEY think it’s a good idea – and not because they were pressured into the sale.
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