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Month: August 2021

Naomi Explains… Newsjacking

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Everybody talks about “newsjacking”, but what does that actually MEAN? In today’s episode, I’ll explain what newsjacking is, three ways to do it, and and four tips for getting it right.

How soon do you have to run your pieces? What qualifies as news? Does size matter? All this, and more, will be revealed. Give me less than 10 minutes, and I’ll explain… newsjacking.

Just click play, and I’ll meet you there.

(Click “Continue Reading” for full transcript & shownotes.)

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Naomi Explains… Calls To Action

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Naomi Explains... Calls To ActionEverybody talks about “calls to action”, but what does that actually MEAN? In today’s episode, I’ll explain what a call to action is, what it includes, and debunk three big myths making things harder for everybody.

Do you always need a call to action? How many are you allowed to have? And what does Braveheart have to do with this? All this, and more, will be revealed. Give me less than 10 minutes, and I’ll explain… calls to action.

Just click play, and I’ll meet you there.

(Click “Continue Reading” for full transcript & shownotes.)

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Customer Profile: May Thanda, Pinterest Manager

May ThandaThere are so many different types of ittybiz owners in the world, but so often only the biggest or flashiest ones get represented in the media we consume.

To counter this, I’ve been interviewing real IttyBiz customers and clients so that you can see the variety and diversity of solo businesses out there – and the different ways that people run their business and manage their work.

So without further ado, I’d love to introduce you to IttyBiz customer May Thanda, Pinterest Manager!

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Inspired Content: A Simple Hack That Makes Content Easy

Inspired Content: A Simple Hack That Makes Content EasyIf coming up with content ideas is sometimes hard for you, there’s an easier way to generate ideas that are a breeze for you to write – and that your audience will actively love to read (and share).

I call it inspired content, and it’s pretty much my primary way of writing content right now. Once I made the transition to this style of content creation, both writing – and the work I do – got a whole lot easier.

So today I’ll walk you through the process, and you can start using it right away to generate content for your own blog, podcast, video channel – the sky’s the limit.

(ALSO: if you own Product in a Weekend, you can even extend this model to create desirable, useful digital products as frequently as you’d like.)

So – let’s dive in!

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