There are so many different types of ittybiz owners in the world, but so often only the biggest or flashiest ones get represented in the media we consume.

To counter this, I've been interviewing real IttyBiz customers and clients so that you can see the variety and diversity of solo businesses out there – and the different ways that people run their business and manage their work.

So without further ado, I'd love to introduce you to IttyBiz customer…

Customer Profile: Allie Moon

Hey Allie! What do you & your ittybiz do?

I ghostwrite ebooks for the helpers and motivators of the world (coaches, therapists, and any entrepreneur who is all about improving the quality of their clients’ lives and businesses.)

Where can we find you?

You can find me at

How long have you been running this business?

I’ve been a copywriter since 2008. Showstopping Stories is quite a spring chicken though! I set it up to have an online home for my book ghostwriting services.

Why did you start this business? What was the catalyst or “reason why”?

I’ve always been obsessed with stories. I was the weird kid writing stories on free afternoons instead of playing outside. I wrote extra essays for fun!

I discovered copywriting when I saw an internship advertised. Holy moly, you mean there’s a way I can get paid to write??? Where do I sign up???

I went all in on my application, got the internship, and fell in love with copywriting. A few years later I landed my first ebook project and had such a blast helping my client tell her story, that I never looked back.

What was the hardest part of getting started / the early years?

Being open and authentic with my own story. I had come out of a fairly professional copywriting environment and at first I had the heebie-jeebies thinking that my loud, emotional, slightly sweary, giggle-snorting self wouldn’t seem professional. But the more I encouraged my clients to love and embrace their stories, the more I realized I had to take my own medicine!

What’s easier for you now than it was in the beginning of your business?

Saying no to clients that aren’t a good fit for my process. I know now that doing so means setting them free to find their ideal writer, and freeing up my time to connect with the cool cats that I’m an ideal match for.

How many hours a week do you work on average?

Around 15 – 20. I like to hyperfocus and write intensely in a burst of creative energy, as I do my best work that way.

How much time do you spend per week on social media?

None at the moment. I find my clients through word of mouth and sometimes my website.

Do you answer your own email, or does someone else do it?

I answer my own email. I like being the one to meet and greet potential clients and start a conversation about working together.

How frequently do you produce content?

At the moment, not often! One of my goals for this year is to blog regularly.

How frequently do you email your list?

When I have something to say that I think it will benefit my readers to hear. Sometimes that’s every week, sometimes it’s a bit longer.

Do you do everything yourself, or do you hire others to manage parts of your business?

At the moment I’m a one person show!

What’s the best purchase / investment you’ve ever made for your business?

Ittybiz courses hands down! As a neurodivergent person, I often struggled with business courses. Even super well-produced ones didn’t seem to speak my language. Discovering Ittybiz courses was like finding the holy grail and a large slice of chocolate cake all at once!

What’s your favorite product in the Karma Store?

Plug and Play Branding! My website had been in development hell, just like a movie, until Plug and Play Branding came along and helped me roll out the red carpet and introduce it to the world. Every step was so clear, easy, and best of all, fun. Within a week I had a website and branding that truly looked and felt like me.

More customer profiles are coming – maybe one will be yours?

Kris FaraldoIf you're an IttyBiz customer and would like to be featured in an upcoming customer profile, get in touch!

And if you're not a customer yet, consider Allie's’s favorite product, Plug and Play Branding – or any of the pay-what-you-want products in the Karma Store.

100% of store profits go to help ittybiz owners around the world through Kiva, in over 60 countries so far!

Take care!

Kris Faraldo

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