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Month: July 2021

Naomi Explains… Your Target Customer

Naomi Explains... Your Target CustomerEverybody talks about your “target customer”, but what does it actually MEAN? In today’s episode, I’ll tell you what you need to know about ideal clients, most likely buyers, and who to focus on so you don’t exhaust yourself searching for both.

Why would you try to search for anyone OTHER than ideal clients and the most likely buyers? All this, and more, will be revealed. Give me less than 10 minutes, and I’ll explain… your target customer.

Just click play, and I’ll meet you there.

(Click “Continue Reading” for full transcript & shownotes.)

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Naomi Explains… Your USP

Naomi Explains... Your USPEverybody talks about your “USP”, but what does it actually MEAN? In today’s episode, I’ll tell you what you need to know about why we even have this term, whether or not you need to have one, and a brief foray into toothpaste that fits into your purse.

What is a USP, and do you, personally, need one? All this, and more, will be revealed. Give me less than 10 minutes, and I’ll explain… your USP.

Just click play, and I’ll meet you there.

(Click “Continue Reading” for full transcript & shownotes.)

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Naomi Explains… Your Brand

Naomi explains... your brandEverybody talks about your “brand”, but what does it actually MEAN? In today’s episode, I’ll tell you what you need to know about brand elements, brand attributes, and perhaps most importantly, Old MacNamara’s cow.

What does Old MacNamara’s cow have to do with anything? All this, and more, will be revealed. Give me less than 10 minutes, and I’ll explain… your brand.

Just click play, and I’ll meet you there.

(Click “Continue Reading” for full transcript & shownotes.)

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Customer Profile: Shay Banks, Social Media Consultant

Shay BanksThere are so many different types of ittybiz owners in the world, but so often only the biggest or flashiest ones get represented in the media we consume.

To counter this, I’ve been interviewing real IttyBiz customers and clients so that you can see the variety and diversity of solo businesses out there – and the different ways that people run their business and manage their work.

So without further ado, I’d love to introduce you to IttyBiz customer… Shay Banks!

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Yes-Oriented Questions: An Easy Way To Increase Sales

Yes-Oriented QuestionsNo matter how good your sales page is, at the end of the day your readers will not click the “buy” button until you have made them comfortable enough to purchase from you.

That comfort comes from a combination of building “deep trust”, showing you understand where they’re coming from, and demonstrating how the benefits of your product or service match up with all the things they care about.

That can take time – and that’s why some sales pages are so long. There’s a lot of trust building, and connection, and educating the reader that has to occur.

One of the ways you can make that happen faster and more easily is to ask “yes-oriented questions” – simple questions that your readers can easily say “yes” to.

Want to learn how to do it?

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