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Yes-Oriented Questions: An Easy Way To Increase Sales

Yes-Oriented QuestionsNo matter how good your sales page is, at the end of the day your readers will not click the “buy” button until you have made them comfortable enough to purchase from you.

That comfort comes from a combination of building “deep trust”, showing you understand where they’re coming from, and demonstrating how the benefits of your product or service match up with all the things they care about.

That can take time – and that’s why some sales pages are so long. There’s a lot of trust building, and connection, and educating the reader that has to occur.

One of the ways you can make that happen faster and more easily is to ask “yes-oriented questions” – simple questions that your readers can easily say “yes” to.

Want to learn how to do it?

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7 Ways To Boost Sales Page Conversion In An Hour

7 Ways To Boost Sales Page Conversion In An HourSales pages may take a while to create, but they don’t take that long to improve. You’d be surprised at how many upgrades you can build into your page in just 15, 30 or 60 minutes – and each one of those changes can lead to more sales for you.

The key to upgrading your page is your approach – either do a batch of things at once, or just do one small upgrade every once in a while. That keeps things manageable, and keeps your sales pages improving month after month.

If you’re already an owner of Easy-Peasy Sales Pages, you’ll know about all the little things you can do to make your existing page better.

But for those who don’t – or just don’t want to reopen the course at the moment – I’ve hand-picked 7 easy, do-able improvements that you can do quickly and easily.

Take a look and see which ones you might want to use to boost the conversion rate of your existing sales pages this month.

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7 Blog Posts That Make Clients Get In Touch With You

7 Blog Posts That Make Clients Get In Touch With YouHow many new clients can you attract through your blog posts? Plenty – but only if you know what specific kinds of content will appeal to people actively looking for service providers.

Earlier, I previously covered what blog posts work best to sell your products, and today we’ll take a similar angle for clients.

I’ll walk you through 7 types of blog posts that have a higher-than-average chance of getting a potential client to decide to get in touch with you today.

Let’s take a look at them now.

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7 Blog Posts That Get Your Products Selling Consistently

7 Blog Posts That Get Your Products Selling ConsistentlyWhen many people launch a product, they don’t do much to promote it afterwards. Sure, they might put it in their store, or offer it on a discount from time to time in a sale, but there’s not much going on to direct people to the fact that the product exists and is still 100% ready to purchase.

That’s kind of tragic, because there are so many easy ways to get consistent traffic to your sales pages every day of the week, without having to do any direct, overt promotion.

That’s where your content comes in. If you write the right kinds of blog posts, you can direct people to click over to your sales pages over and over again, and there’s no aggressive selling required.

All you need is a good reason to remind them your product exists, and your monthly, weekly, and even daily sales start going up.

So, about those good reasons… today we’ve got 7 of them for you.

Come take a look.

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How To Name Your Next Product (So It Sells Itself)

How To Name Your Next Product (So It Sells Itself)There’s no one “right” way to name a product, but there are a lot of ways to choose a name that will make potential buyers more likely to buy from you.

Before you name your next product, consider the angle you want to take with your name and how that can influence your potential buyer’s critical first impression of your product. (You have more influence than you think!)

With a consciously chosen angle, you can spark interest, capture attention and trigger desire for your product even before a person knows what it is – because your product name instantly makes them want to know more about what it is.

When you can pull that off, you’ve started the pre-selling process, and the chances of that potential customer saying “yes” to a purchase shoots up significantly.

So? How do you create that critical first impression?

Here’s a selection of market-proven angles that you can choose from.

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