Why is my bounce rate so high?
That’s one of the first questions that nervous marketers, bloggers, and business owners ask when they first start diving into analytics. Today, I’ll give you 5 reasons.
Why is my bounce rate so high?
That’s one of the first questions that nervous marketers, bloggers, and business owners ask when they first start diving into analytics. Today, I’ll give you 5 reasons.
We haven’t talked about SEO in a while.
Let’s debunk some myths.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever said the following:
“I just want to get out of the feast and famine cycle, you know?”
Business owners who make this lament are referring to periods of time with strong sales, followed by periods with few to none. Feasts, followed by famines.
Let’s look at that.
Had I gone to college, I would have studied history.
I like history.
The reason I like history is the same reason I like marketing and law.
The facts don’t matter as much as the stories surrounding the facts.
Most of the non-fiction books we read around here are history related.
(Unless you wrote a book, of course. If you wrote a book, I read it and I loved it. Sensational. Better than Gladwell!)
My beloved has a book called Lincoln and His Generals, originally published in 1952.
It’s about, well, Lincoln, I guess. And his generals.
I had a thought about Lincoln and I thought you might like to hear it…
I had a chat about mastermind groups today. You know – mastermind groups, networking groups, meetings with alliteration in the name. (Women Who Work! The Wednesday Wowers! The Networking Nerds!) Basically, we’re talking formalized methods of getting together to support one another.
The person I was talking to is on the fence. She dreams of a mastermind group that truly supports her. She wishes for a group of business owners who are her “right people”. She is hoping to find her tribe.
Her conflict stems from two places. One, she doesn’t know if those people exist. Two, if they do exist, they might be hard to find.
This is a common issue. The perks of a great mastermind group are, well, great. And bad mastermind groups are the ninth ring of hell. Sorting through an unknown number of bad ones to maybe find a good one is unpleasant.
So what should you do? Here’s my advice…