Sales pages may take a while to create, but they don't take that long to improve. You'd be surprised at how many upgrades you can build into your page in just 15, 30 or 60 minutes – and each one of those changes can lead to more sales for you.
The key to upgrading your page is your approach – either do a batch of things at once, or just do one small upgrade every once in a while. That keeps things manageable, and keeps your sales pages improving month after month.
If you're already an owner of Easy-Peasy Sales Pages, you'll know about all the little things you can do to make your existing page better.
But for those who don't – or just don't want to reopen the course at the moment – I've hand-picked 7 easy, do-able improvements that you can do quickly and easily.
Take a look and see which ones you might want to use to boost the conversion rate of your existing sales pages this month.
1. Add new product pictures.
I don’t know what your product pictures are like right now, But they could probably stand some improvement.
That improvement may be adding product pictures in the first place. It may be adding more product pictures. It may be replacing what’s there with pictures that are better.
When you initially built your page, you put the images up that you had at the time. Now's a great time to see if you can take it up a notch or two.
Good ideas are cover shots, pictures of the inside of any pages, pictures from customers showing them using the product or owning the product (for digital products, customer pic with printouts or screenshots work especially well here.
Any new or improved pictures will give your customers a clear sense of what it will be like owning the product, and helping increase and conversion of your page.
2. Strengthen Your Subheaders
Your subheads are like little speed bumps on your sales page, making skimmers and scrollers slow down and pay more attention to your awesome copy.
That is, when they work. If they don’t, you’re losing sales from people who would have bought if they had read more about the benefits of your product.
Go read your sales page with fresh eyes, section by section. Each section has a message, something important that the reader needs to know. You need subheads that make it clear that there’s a good reason to STOP and read that section.
For each section of your page, rewrite your subhead into something that evokes more curiosity and potential value for the reader, so they’ll slow down and pay more attention.
You stand a good chance of doubling your conversion from this step alone. More readers = more buyers.
3. Add at least one more testimonial.
Even adding one testimonial to your page can boost conversion. More is better, of course, but “one more than is there now” will still make a measurable difference for you.
If you’re new and haven’t had many buyers yet, you may not have a big enough pool of people to source testimonials from. That’s okay, you still have options.
One option is to get people you know to write a testimonial about you and your expertise on the topic of your product.
Another option is to ask peers and friends to review one component of your product and say something positive about it. Not too much work for them, and a great, targeted testimonial for you.
And when you put that testimonial on your sales page, use these best practices to draw people’s attention to it. You’ll get a better response from the reader, and boost your odds of the sale.
Sourcing new testimonials only takes minutes – but can lead to more sales for the lifetime of your product.
4. Tighten up your copy.
When you tighten up your copy, you make it worth it to read every word of your sales page. Again, more readers = more buyers.
Fortunately, tightening your copy is easy to do. You just read your page section by section and look for little areas of improvement.
You can read each sentence and see if you can reduce the number of words, while saying the same thing.
You can break up long sentences into two shorter ones for readability.
You can add a visual element to show something that takes a lot of words to explain.
You can pull out unnecessary sentences where you’re just running your mouth off.
Any of these changes make a big difference for the reader. They'll help them stay more engaged with your copy and give extra attention to the benefits you have to offer them.
This is something you can do yourself, and only takes a few minutes at a time to adjust each section of your page. (Alternatively, I can do it for you.)
5. Add decorative elements in key places.
Remember that retaining attention is a core part of making the sale, and that anything that contributes to boredom also contributes to a lost sale. This is where decorative elements come into play.
While you don't want to overload your page with visual elements that would create a cluttered look, there's always room to spruce up the page in ways that make it more appealing to the eye.
Scroll through your page slowly, and just soak in the visual nature of your page. Without paying attention to the copy that much, see if you can catch areas that need a little something, like a soup might just need a pinch of salt.
These tiny additions can make the difference between someone who clicks the buy button and sends you money – and someone who clicks back to Gmail to see if that person ever got back to them.
6. Get feedback from someone else.
A second set of eyes on anything you write is always going to improve its quality. You spend a lot of time writing your sales page, and you're so close to it that there will be a lot of improvements – and errors – that you won't be aware of.
Get someone else to read your sales page and give you their impressions. Does it feel too long? Too boring? Is there one part that's really engaging that gives you clues for how to improve other areas?
Or did you leave something out entirely? It happens. And it's going to happen. But treat your sales page like an essay that you'd like to get feedback on, and you'll uncover a nice juicy list of adjustments you can make that will boost conversion.
(Incidentally, if you'd like me to review your sales page, just go over here.)
7. Add questions to your FAQ section.
The longer your product exists, the more aware you become of the kinds of questions potential buyers have about it – and what information they need to become more comfortable with their buying decision.
Revisit your FAQ periodically to add new questions to it. Each one you add is an opportunity to help close a loop for a buyer, or to reassure them on something they care about.
You can also take another look at your current answers. Can you tighten the copy? Improve what you're saying? Be more persuasive? There are probably half a dozen adjustments you could make today that can take your conversion rate up – even if only a little bit.
One hour now = more sales for you.
None of these sales page improvements are particularly difficult or time consuming – and all of them can be done in bits and pieces over the course of a week.
Set aside a little time soon to start building these mini-upgrades into your page, and you'll set yourself up for a higher conversion rate for the lifetime of your product!
(And if you don't have Easy-Peasy Sales Pages, take a look. It's pretty rad.)
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