How many new clients can you attract through your blog posts? Plenty – but only if you know what specific kinds of content will appeal to people actively looking for service providers.
Earlier, I previously covered which blog posts work best to sell your products.
Today we’ll take a similar angle for clients, and I’ll walk you through 7 types of blog posts that have a higher-than-average chance of making a potential client to decide to get in touch with you today.
Let’s take a look at them now.
1. Real client stories.
Blog posts based on client stories are an incredibly effective way of attracting the attention and interest of new clients, and you should publish these kinds of posts as often as you can.
(And if you’re using The 1-Hour Content Plan, you can even slot these client stories into a posting schedule ahead of time.)
Client stories create powerful social proof for you, because nothing says “I’m worth working with” more than “other people are paying me to work with them.”
If you want to demonstrate your value to potential clients, it’s the ultimate “Show, don’t tell.”
These kind of posts can take many forms – they can be about problems you helped a client solve, demonstrations of the work you did for them, results they had after working with you – the possibilities are truly endless.
And ultimately, they serve a secondary purpose that may be even more important than the first: they show the product in action.
In this case the product is you. These posts help potential clients see you in action, doing the thing you do, and that makes you more real. It transcends the concept of what you can theoretically do, or claim to do, and shows that you actually DO it.
And that gets people contacting you like nothing else.
- Extra tip: you can use client stories to sell products too, as covered in 7 Blog Posts That Get Your Products Selling Consistently.
2. Sticky situations.
Potential clients often find themselves in sticky situations where standard advice doesn’t apply. They may have already looked for advice elsewhere, and found the answers lacking because of their unique circumstances.
This creates, for them, a “sticky situation”. Regular content can’t help them. So content that addresses an out-of-the-ordinary constraint is particularly attractive, because most people don’t create content about those topics.
Example of this kind of content are Promoting During The Coronavirus: What You Need To Know, and How To Seriously Uplevel Your Branding (Even When You’re Tight On Cash). Both of these posts address topics to which everyday promotional or branding advice doesn’t apply.
The awesome thing about this kind of content is that it can help you attract new clients in two ways.
First, people with that specific problem will value your expertise and potentially get in touch based on you describing their exact situation.
Secondarily, clients with different problems will see how you are smart enough to solve that sticky situation, and they'll start thinking that maybe you can help them with their own weird problem. (Either way, you win.)
- To create this kind of post, refer to Template #2 in Plug & Play Blog Posts.
3. First steps in a process.
When you write content that addresses how to get started on something, you do two things that are important in terms of getting potential clients to contact you.
First, you help them move past an initial stuck point, which is of supreme value to them.
A common reason people hire service providers like coaches, consultants, or freelancers is because they’ve hit a “stuck wall” and can’t move forward on their own.
If you can help them move past that “stuck wall”, and get a stalled project in motion – even just a little bit – you’re a bit of a hero to them.
They immediately credit you with helping them do something important to them, and their likelihood of wanting more help from you increases.
The second thing that prompts them to get in touch is that once you help them get started on a project, they have something to contact you about. They’ve started, they’re ready to keep moving, and now their project is alive. It’s no longer in “when I get to it” territory. It's happening.
This kind of content can help you create the conditions in which they don’t just want to hire you – they’re ready for it.
- To create this kind of post, also refer to Template #2 in Plug & Play Blog Posts.
4. How to choose.
These posts are amazing for proving your expertise. They give you a place to voice your professional opinion on how to make a good decision on something that’s important to your potential client.
These posts are pretty easy to write. Think of the decision, think of the steps involved in making the decision, and just get to describing them and giving your advice. Poof. You’re done.
When you're writing these posts, be sure to first put your empathy hat on and think of why people are struggling with this decision.
Perhaps it’s fear, or overwhelm, or conflicting advice, or high stakes, or a host of other reasons. If you can acknowledge them in your post, you will activate a high level of trust and respect from your reader. They'll feel like you “get” them.
And that trust? It makes them get in touch with you.
- To create this kind of post, refer to Template #25 in Plug & Play Blog Posts.
5. How you do it.
In this kind of blog post, you’re describing how you – personally – do something. It may be something that your clients also want to do, or it may be something related to your process (like a behind-the-scenes type of piece).
These posts can be very effective at demonstrating the the depth of your expertise. They activate curiosity and a bit of voyeurism at the same time.
These are some of the easiest posts to create because they require neither creativity nor researching – you’re simply relating the facts as they apply to you and your process.
But they’re your facts, so they’re unique. And the realness of these posts can have a big impact on readers when compared to more impersonal, distant articles they read elsewhere.
You’re not telling potential clients how TO do something… you’re telling them how YOU do it. That’s powerful, because it makes you more of a real person to them.
And that’s going to boost the chances of them getting in touch with you. (These posts work like crazy.)
- To create this kind of post, refer to Template #3 in Plug & Play Blog Posts.
6. How to evolve, change or improve.
Whatever you’re selling, your clients buy it because they want something to be different. If you’re a life coach, that difference could be a transformed life. If you’re a web designer, that difference could be a shinier, faster website.
We all buy things because we either want a change, or because we want to have something we didn’t have before – which is a change in itself.
This is where the “how to evolve” post comes in. This kind of post walks the reader through the stages and steps of an evolution, so they can visualize what it takes to pull it off.
These posts function best when the actual path of evolution is not easy to visualize for the reader. They want to get from here to there, but they can't picture the process in a practical way.
So if your audience is wondering “How do people make (that compelling outcome) happen?”, the topic a good candidate. You can reveal your wisdom and look exceptionally smart.
Examples of titles for these posts could be ones like 12 Things You Must Do Differently To Repel Toxic Relationships, or The 4 Stages of Veganism.
What makes this kind of post unique is that it’s not just a handy list of tips. It has a little more depth to it, a little more punch. In them, you can cover ground other people don’t, or take an angle that other people haven’t.
That difference inherently makes this kind of content more valuable to potential clients, and makes them realize that you deeply understand the nature of the work that you’re doing.
And it also shows them, in detail, how the process of here-to-there works – which can help push them along the path to contacting you.
- To create this kind of post, refer to Template #1 in Plug & Play Blog Posts.
7. The requirements for success.
In this kind of blog post, you’re laying out a number of requirements that you believe are necessary for something to work out successfully.
- 5 Things You Must Do When Breaking In New Boots
- The 4 Steps To Painting A Perfectly Smooth Wall
- 8 Requirements Of A Realistic Marketing Plan
A post like this can make you look really, really clever, as long as you can reasonably support your claims. The items you speak of should, truly, be necessary for the specific success you are promising.
(In other words, if I don’t do thing #4 to my boots, you’ve got to be able to tell me how that’s going to come back and bite me.)
These posts show the wisdom that you’ve acquired through experience. They do a lot to build trust in your level of skill, expertise, and competence.
These are especially effective when you can pull in requirements that your potential client wouldn’t have thought of. This will surprise them and give a little bit of “wow” factor because it’s so unexpected.
However, you can still pull this off with requirements they already know about. Just pull in an expert-level detail on an ordinary thing. Tell them the obvious thing – but then tell them something about it that’s not so obvious.
If I’m writing 8 Requirements Of A Realistic Marketing Plan, and item #4 is “set a budget for advertising that you’re comfortable with”, that may be obvious.
But if I also advise them to be prepared for the first few months of ads to flop (because it takes a while to learn by trial-and-error), that can count as extra information they wouldn’t have known. I’ll look smarter to someone because of that additional detail.
These posts can get clients contacting you because they show you know what it takes to succeed – and therefore, you’re going to follow those best practices when you’re doing your thing for them.
- To create this kind of post, refer to Template #4 in Plug & Play Blog Posts.
Your blog posts can get potential clients calling you today.
Remember that when you write your blog posts, every one of them has the potential chance to tip a reader over the edge and make them decide that YOU are the service provider that they want to work with.
That potential chance increases when you create content that’s specifically targeted to what makes clients “light up inside”.
If you want that to start happening ASAP, then begin writing these 7 kinds of posts now.
And if you want to make it easier, pick up Plug & Play Blog Posts and/or The 1-Hour Content Plan in the Karma Store (on pay-what-you-want pricing).
Talk to you soon,
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