Whether or not you’re running your own ittybiz, there are three resources that often appear to be in short supply – time, money and energy. You always wish you had more. You always look forward to the future, that magical place where all three of these resources will flow to you in greater supply.
In that magical place, that’s where we see ourselves having the expansive resources to engage in lifestyle design – where we start doing more of the stuff we find fun, and stop doing the meaningless stuff we do just because we’re killing time, or bored, or low-energy. But in the now? We tell ourselves we just don’t have enough [insert resource] to engage in the things we’d “love to start doing”.
However! Life, being the funny trickster it is, often throws little bonus resources our way. A little extra cash. A free afternoon. A burst of energy at 10pm.
These surprises come our FAR more often than we realize – but we don’t notice them because we don’t have a plan for what to do with them when they arrive. It’s tragic, because we all have far more of these resources than we realize, and we could take advantage of them to great profit if we put on our thinking cap for even just a few minutes.
Today, let’s look at how to do just that, so that we can stop wishing we had more time, money, and energy, and get more of those “love to start doing” activities in place than we ever thought possible.
Shall we? I’ll begin with a (true) story.
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