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What The Hell Do I Do With My Blog Categories?

Blog Categories

Hey Naomi!

Do you have any tips or any thoughts at all on blog topic categories? That probably sounds so basic but for some reason I’ve never been able to figure out a method for doing it so every article on my blog is just categorized as “screenwriting.” Which I literally have people emailing me to complain about.

So I know I need to fix it, but I don’t get how broad or granular these stupid categories should be, or what kind of a system they need to create, or what they should all add up to. And who knew a person could have so many questions about categorizing blog posts.

Anyway. Any thoughts are appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
Naomi Beaty

Excellent question, Naomi!

As someone who has used ONE category on their blog for thelast many years (“Small Business Marketing”), I can say with authority, you’re not alone. For me, at least, I go into ADD spin-out land when I think of categories. It can be really hard to pin down what you’re writing about in that granular a way.

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How To Be Consistent When You Can’t Be Consistent

How To Be Consistent When You Can't Be Consistent

Dear Naomi,

I’ve been working through the Fast Track course almost in real time this year (I think this is my third attempt, and I’ve FINALLY got past the damn shopping exercise in session 1 – go me!), and a question has been hovering behind my left ear for the past few weeks.

It concerns consistency.

I can clearly see the benefits of consistency, especially in a fledgling business (which mine will be, as soon as it hatches). Everyone I listen to says you have to be consistent – whatever you do, be consistent about it – keep showing up consistently – consistent, consistent, consistent. Be consistent. Consistently.

The trouble is, nobody seems to have any advice for what to do if that’s not so easy.

Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why consistency is a problem for me. I have chronic health conditions that unpredictably affect my energy and concentration. I’m a dyed-in-the-wool scanner / multipotentialite / whatever we’re calling it this week. I’m also the Autistic parent of two Autistic children, so sudden spikes in domestic intensity, as well as periods of plain old-fashioned burnout, are the norm. Meanwhile, my executive function is a shredded rag most of the time.

So my question is, what can I do to reduce the pressure to be consistent? Obviously, I need to show up, produce work, put out content, and so on. But do you have any suggestions for how to set things up so that a dip in consistency won’t wreck the boat?

Thanks as always,

Thank you, Mary. This is an excellent question, and I’m sure many people are glad you asked it. You ask a question that many need answered but few are brave enough to ask.

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What Do We Do With Impostor Syndrome?

Impostor Syndrome

Hello, lovely Sarah.

I’ve been thinking about your question for a few days now, and I was having a devil of a time answering it. Every time I went to answer, I found myself incoherent and rambly and not really sure of my own point. Therefore, I have decided to put your email itself away, close my eyes (thank God I can touch type!) and answer the question I think you’re asking.

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The 5 Books That Changed My Life

The 5 Books That Changed My Life

Hello again!

Ask Me Anything week continues with a question from the lovely Elisha:

Hi Naomi!

What 5 books were most game changing or eye opening for you over the years?


Ooh, fun question! I love talking about books.

Here are my top picks.

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Reader Question: When Business Is Too Much

When Business Is Too Much

Hello again!

Ask Me Anything week continues with a question from the lovely Alex:

Hey, Naomi Dunford,

I think my question is too personal and scary, but if I don’t ask I’ll feel stupid later.

I really connect to a lot of your material, because of how messed up my life has been.
I really want to have a sustainable business. I work on things all the time (I draw, and write books), but I’m such a screwed up everything-complicated-long-story that it feels impossible.

How do you go from having nothing to actually making some kind of money? How do you get through the ridiculous parts, where you’re almost not even a functional human, and gather yourself together enough to be professional enough, shiny enough, and genuinely useful enough to have a business?

Is there a point where it’s just too much, and I should accept that I’m a discardable human to all the other people? How do you get from “I’m completely screwed over because of [life-story]” to “I make fifty dollars a month consistently, and now I can use marketing techniques to make more”?

I hope that’s not a stupid question.

I don’t want to give you my website or anything, because I feel stupid. But my name’s Alex.

Dear Alex,

Thank you for sharing your story. You’re in a painful place right now, and for that you have my compassion and my empathy.

I’m going to address your question in two different ways. I’m going to address the personal part, and I’m going to address the business part.

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