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Small Business Marketing

Upper Limit Problem? 11 Warning Signs To Watch

Upper Limit Problem? 11 Warning Signs To Watch

Are you familiar with the upper limit problem? It’s a term coined by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks in their book, The Big Leap. It’s a delightfully destructive form of self-sabotage that kicks in riiiiiight around when things are getting good.

Here’s how Hendricks puts it:

“The ULP is the human tendency to put the brakes on our positive energy when we’ve exceeded our unconscious thermostat setting for how good we can feel, how successful we can be, and how much love we can feel.”

Think maybe, possibly, perhaps that might be you? Here are 11 warning signs to look for…

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4 Ways To Write Blog Posts WITHOUT Giving Away The Farm

Giving up the farm

A big concern for a lot of bloggers is “giving away the farm”.

It’s an understandable concern.

All of the content marketing rules say we have to blog our very best stuff, but isn’t that supposed to be what goes in our products? Or our coaching? Or our services?

giving away the farm

While this paradox can cause feelings of confusion and overwhelm (not to mention hangovers!) it’s most damaging consequence is paralysis. We don’t know what to do, so we do nothing, with predictable results.

Today, I’ll give you four options – how to create targeted, compelling content without hurting your bottom line. In fact, if you follow this content strategy, you’ll almost definitely make more sales, not fewer.

Here are the four strategies – mix and match for best results.

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7 Drunken, Dire Warnings for Karaoke That Also Apply To Webinars, Workshops, and Keynote Speeches

Webinar Advice

Now raise your hand if you’ve ever cringed at karaoke.

Finally, raise your hand if you’ve ever wanted to charge the stage and physically shake the performer, screaming, “For the love of God, it doesn’t have to be this ****ing painful!”

(Perhaps the last one is just me.)

I was recently at karaoke with someone who has never been before. I was doing my best impression of Tiger Woods’ father – drunkenly running my mouth off with instructions, best practices, and dire warnings.

For some reason, instead of rolling his eyes and storming off, he said, “You know, those sound like good webinar tips.”

Indeed they do.

Therefore, I give you The 7 Drunken, Dire Warnings…

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Find Something Useful and Do It

Find Something Useful and Do It

For SK, who is probably overwhelmed today.

When I was a teenager, Saturdays were for cleaning and housework. Each week it surprised me. I would stumble bleary-eyed into the kitchen, fumble around for coffee. I would ask my mother (who would be fully alert, having woken at some sick, masochistic time like nine) the same question… What can I do? Each week, she gave the same answer:

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