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Kris Faraldo

Kris Faraldo manages (and writes for) and is the creator of Easy-Peasy Sales Pages and Get Testimonials Fast. She also manages the Karma Store, where you can find 12 classic IttyBiz products available on a pay-what-you-want price.

7 Blog Posts That Make Clients Get In Touch With You

7 Blog Posts That Make Clients Get In Touch With YouHow many new clients can you attract through your blog posts? Plenty – but only if you know what specific kinds of content will appeal to people actively looking for service providers.

Earlier, I previously covered what blog posts work best to sell your products, and today we’ll take a similar angle for clients.

I’ll walk you through 7 types of blog posts that have a higher-than-average chance of getting a potential client to decide to get in touch with you today.

Let’s take a look at them now.

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Networking Up or Networking Out – Which Should You Do?

These Are Your Best Networking Activities Right Now

These Are Your Best Networking Activities Right NowIn our previous post on the 3 types of networkers we covered the triad of networking camps:

  • Fame Networkers, who primarily pursue visibility / reach for their work, brand or cause,
  • Fortune Networkers, who primarily pursue leads that they can actively convert to customers or clients, and
  • Fame And (Therefore) Fortune Networkers, who primarily pursue reputation-building and status as a means to customers or clients

As mentioned in the previous post, none of these camps are any better or worse than the other. But since they have different end goals, they need to use different approaches when they engage in networking activities.

So today we’re going to look at the best approaches you can use for whichever camp you’re in.

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5 Great Blog Post Templates For When You (Seriously) Can’t Even

If you’re having trouble creating content in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic, you’re not alone. Everyone is going through some level of tailspin as a result and that’s having a big impact on creativity and motivation.

And at the same time, it’s making it harder to keep your energy levels up while you’re adapting to the changes, which can really throw a monkey wrench into that whole content creation process.

We could all use something to make this easier and get that new content out there STAT.

I’ve been combing through the products in the Karma Store to dig out little nuggets of things that can make running the various aspects of your ittybiz easier, and today I have a few excerpts from Plug & Play Blog Posts to share with you.

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The 3 Very Different Types Of Networking (And Why You Need To Choose Your Camp)

If you’ve read the opening post for this series on networking, you may have already started with your first bit of networking homework – making lists of your strong connections, weak connections, and “new” connections (the people you don’t know but want to meet).

This step alone can really open your eyes to how extensive your existing network may be. For most people, they’re more connected than they realize.

But now what should you start DOING re: networking?

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